More Certification We Have, More Reliable We are in Shipping Your Pharmacies!

Garuda Indonesia Cargo could be proud of being the first owner of Good Distribution Practice (GDP) certification for Cargo Pharmaceutical from all airlines and goods delivery services in Indonesia. The entire certification processes were already completed, starting from surveys, training in handling pharmaceutical products, and audits that have met the aspects of the SOP Manual, facilities, and competence of handling officers regarding GDP for Cargo Pharmaceutical. This certification itself is given by Sucofindo, as a State-Owned Enterprise (BUMN) that contributes to the country in inspection, supervision, testing and assessment. President & CEO Garuda Indonesia, Irfan Setiaputra explained, "As the national flag carrier, we continue to strengthen the capability of cargo transportation services in order to support the acceleration of pandemic handling, including by ensuring the readiness of supporting infrastructure that refers to international standardization in cargo transportation services for pharmaceutical products. Through obtaining this GDP certification, we hope that it would support our business development, especially in the provision of safe & reliable transportation services for service needs and distribution of pharmaceutical cargoes which are a global need during this pandemic."

By having this certification, Garuda Indonesia Cargo surely give more contributions to Indonesia, both in health and humanitarian sectors. Especially by distributing more vaccines to the remote areas, so more people would have the access to the healthcare system. We are committed to always be the best cargo shipping, so you could always rely on us... Every single time!

For reservations and information, please contact Garuda Indonesia Cargo sales representatives in your cities or through our Contact Center at phone number + 6221-2351-9090 and Mention / DM via twitter @garuda_cargo.
